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![]() 204244 Incidence of tobacco smoking and drinking alcohol in expectant and post-partum mothersTuesday, November 10, 2009
A survey was performed by the authors on women in obstetric & neonatal wards in all the 840 functioning hospitals in Poland. Both private and public hospitals were included (clinical, regional) and district. The survey was based on the PRAMS questionnaire according to the recommendations of the CDC adapted to Polish conditions. The analysis on responses was undertaken on women at these wards during a single 24 hour period throughout the whole of Poland; in total 2300 obstetric wards. The research was undertaken by staff at district level from departmental units concerned with health promotion and education under the State Sanitary Inspectorate (SST). Advantage was taken of the in-house information systems used to research health practices at each institute. Data was relayed the central server at the SST and analysed using the STATISTICA system (Statsoft). The results demonstrated a low level of knowledge on the perils in smoking and drinking alcohol when pregnant. Furthermore smoking mothers who had in fact decided to quit and stop drinking during pregnancy did so too late because of the delay in becoming aware that they were pregnant -mostly applicable to unplanned pregnancies. There was also a much greater awareness of the harmful effects of smoking compared to the effects of alcohol and a low level of being convinced that giving up smoking and drinking can have a beneficial effect on the foetus. Nonetheless the authors will undertake broad ranging measures using the media on the negative impacts of smoking and drinking in pregnancy.
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Alcohol, Tobacco
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Education 1976 -1980 W. Broniewski High School, Belchatow, passed final exams, 1980-1986 Medical University of Lodz, M.D. medical diploma, 1987-1988 Medical University of Lodz – Training Centre for Academic Personnel 1990 II Clinic of Internal Medicine at the Medical University of Lodz; 1st degree specialization in internal medicine, 1995 Institute of Endocrinology, Lodz Medical University; 2nd degree specialization in internal medicine; PhD in Endocrinology, 1995 European Federation of Endocrine Societies, Switzerland, Geneva 2nd EFES Postgraduate Clinical Endocrinology Course, 1996 European Federation of Endocrine Societies, Italy, Turin 3rd EFES Postgraduate Clinical Endocrinology Course, 1997 European Federation of Endocrine Societies, Poland, Pultusk 4th EFES Postgraduate Clinical Endocrinology Course, 1998- Project HOPE Poland, Cracow 1999 Managerial Personnel for Health Protection in Poland, 1999 Institute of Endocrinology at the Medical University of Lodz; 2nd degree specialization in endocrinology, 2001 National School of Public Administration in Warsaw; Strategic Management, Negotiations, Macroeconomics, 2002 National Defence University, Warsaw Advanced Defence Course, 2004 National Institute of Hygiene – National Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Warsaw; 2nd degree specialization in public health. Professional experience; 2006 Deputy Chief Sanitary Inspector, 1997-2006 Ministry of Health, Warsaw Deputy Director and Director of the Department of Science and Higher Education, 2004-2005 Institute of Hemathology and Transfusiology in Warsaw, Head of Daycare Unit and Consultant in Endocrinology, 2002-2004 National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw Deputy Director of National Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 1997-2003 Teaching Hospital N°3 of Medical University of Lodz, Deputy Head of Regional Centre for Osteoporosis and Menopause, 1990-1997 Teaching Hospital N°3 of Medical University of Lodz, Assistant in the Department of Thyroidology in the Institute of Endocrinology at the Medical University of Lodz, 1992-2001 Teaching Hospital N°3 of Medical University of Lodz, Director of the Prof. T. Pawlikowski Endocrine Research Foundation, 1986-1990 M. Kopernik Regional Specialist Hospital in Lodz Assistant in the II Clinic of Internal Medicine at the Medical University of Lodz. Membership in professional organisations; Polish Society for Endocrinology, Polish Society of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, Polish Society of Internal Medicine, International Menopause Society. Awards Polish Silver Cross of Merit, Award for “Exemplary involvement in the area of Health Services”, Bronze Medal for Merit for Country Defence, An order of merit awarded by Medical University of Lodz, Jagiellonian University Medal issued at the occasion of 600 anniversary of the University. Golden Award of the Student’s Scientific Society. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Prevalence and effects
See more of: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs |