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![]() 204885 SESSION ABSTRACT: Defining and meeting the needs of frail elders across the globeTuesday, November 10, 2009: 2:30 PM
Conveners: D. Kodner and L. Branch
Discussant: J. Van Nostrand This symposium will offer five different perspectives of the characteristics and needs of frail elders the world over. Dr. Dennis Kodner will present an overview of how the British National Health Services manages chronic conditions, with a specific focus on the management of chronic conditions among British elders. (abstract #203493) Dr. Hongdao Meng will describe the characteristics of the oldest-old in China based on data from the first nationally representative longitudinal survey of elders aged 80 and over. There will be a specific emphasis of urban and rural differences. This analysis was conducted against the backdrop that China's oldest old are expected to increase fr4om 18 million in 2006 to 27 million in 2020. (abstract # ) Dr. AtoZ Okamoto will describe the changing patterns of chronic kidney diseases and dialysis in Japan, and offer predictions of the economic consequences of these trends if left unabated. (abstract #199280) Dr. Branch will discuss the development of the current primary care and specialized health care system for elders in post-revolution Cuba, with an emphasis on the need for expanded long-term care services (both institutional and community based) to support the growing number of frail elders in Cuba. (abstract 203485) Prof. Sykes will examine the implications of the safe disposal of unused and/or expired medications of the health, safety, and environments in developed countries. Examples and best practices from both Canada and the United States will be offered. (abstract #197627)
Learning Objectives: Keywords: Aging, International Systems
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have peer reviewed publications dealing with international aging topics, and I have co-authored a books on the Cuban primary health care system. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Defining and Meeting the Needs of Frail Elderly Across the Globe
See more of: Gerontological Health |