204938 Collaborative policy development for advancing telehealth

Wednesday, November 11, 2009: 8:45 AM

Christine Martin, MBA PMP , California Telemedicine & eHealth Center, Sacramento, CA
The California Telemedicine & eHealth Center (CTEC), California's federally designated Telehealth Resource Center, has undertaken an innovative and precedent setting project to develop a reimbursement policy on telemedicine and telehealth that considers a full spectrum of services. Many stakeholders have identified reimbursement and payment issues as a critical aspect of telehealth that must be addressed to have telehealth fully integrated in the health care delivery system. While some inroads have been made, and both government and private payors have included provisions for certain telehealth payment, additional development and adoption is required. CTEC's Telehealth Optimization Initiative has been developed to help respond to California's growing need for expanded telehealth programs and the need for adequate and appropriate support structures. This collaborative brings together major stakeholders to develop recommendations on policy for appropriate payment and supporting structures. The desired outcome is the development of a policy report that incorporates all research, findings, alternatives and recommendations, as well as development of a policy brief that outlines the methodology, findings and recommendations targeted for an audience of policy makers. This project has been receiving nationwide attention for taking a broad approach to payment and for using a structured collaborative process.

Learning Objectives:
Describe the collaborative policy development process used to advance the expansion of telehealth in California. Identify the policy recommendations set forth by the collaborative.

Keywords: Telehealth, Policy/Policy Development

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have extenstive experience in the development and implementation of telemedicine networks, and increasing access to healthcare and clinical care using telemedicine and telehealth technology.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.