208280 Occupational injury surveillance: An evaluation of the usefulness of Minnesota hospital discharge data systems

Monday, November 9, 2009

Quintin L. Williams Jr, PhD , Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Jon Roesler, MS , Center for Health Promotion, Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul, MN
Anna Gaichas, MS , Center for Health Promotion, Minnesota Dept. of Health, St. Paul, MN
Background: State health agencies rely on occupational injury surveillance to assess specific needs for occupational injury prevention programs and policies and to monitor their effectiveness. To monitor nonfatal occupational injuries, one common and important source is hospital discharge data and this method was used in our study.

Methods: Criteria for identifying occupational injuries in hospital data were developed from the Minnesota Hospital Association uniform hospital discharge data system to form a case definition which included one or more of the following codes: payer identification was workers comp; place of occurrence was a farm, mine and quarry, industrial place and premises; condition code was "employment-related"; occurrence code was "accident, employment-related"; or observation was done following accident at work.

Results: Preliminary analysis from a sample of 100 revealed that the operational definition used for work-related injury was sufficient for gathering the necessary cases to account for occupational related injuries. There were nine total false positives in this sample with 83 true positives. This yielded a Positive Predictive Value (PV+) of 90.2% for the full operational case definition. Further analyses will include examining the costs of these types of injuries, testing several years of the data to determine if any specific trends occur over time, and lastly comparing the MDH data with the MN OSHA data.

Conclusions: Occupational injury surveillance is the ongoing process of tracking and monitoring incidence rates, causes, circumstances resulting in fatal and non-fatal injuries and dissemination of this data is imperative in order to prevent these injuries from occurring.

Learning Objectives:
1) Become familiar with how hospital data can be used for ongoing epidemiologic surveillance of occupational injury 2) Understand how the 'story' told by hospital data may differ from that of other data such as from the Department of Labor? 3) Comprehend how hospital reporting of occupational injuries can help to assess the specific needs for occupational injury prevention programs and policies and to monitor their effectiveness.

Keywords: Occupational Injury and Death, Occupational Surveillance

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have completed a doctorate in Occupational Injury Prevention Research. Also I am publishing a paper in colloboration with the Minnesota Department of Health focused on occupational injury surveillance.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.