213278 Health care crisis: Medical homes—A part of the solution

Wednesday, November 11, 2009: 11:10 AM

Michael K. Butler, MD, MHA, CPE, FACPE , LSU Health Care Services Division, Baton Rouge, LA
Medical care in the United States is in serious need of reform, not merely the financing of reform. Reform should address all three aspects of the current crisis—access, cost, and quality of care. Patients need continuous relationships with a provider to obtain the expected outcomes of health and wellness and move beyond the treatment of acute illness. The Medical Home Model appears to be a structure which will support the achievement of our goal of improved medical care for a broad population of patients.

Learning Objectives:
Define a medical home. Identify the essential features of a medical home. Discuss the relationship essentials of a medical home. Discuss the information systems needed to support a medical home. Compare and contrast the Medical Home Model to current primary care clinic model. List the expected services of a medical home. Identify action steps needed to create/evolve to a medical home. Discuss the NCQA medical home certification process.

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: We have established NCQA Certification process through LA. The 2nd in the nation.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

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