Rachel A. Wilfert, MD, MPH, CPH

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UNC Center for Public Health Preparedness
Campus Box 8165
400 Roberson St
Chapel Hill, NC
USA 27599
3050.1 A Community-based rapid needs assessment of knowledge and intent to receive seasonal and novel influenza vaccines
3094.0 Applying the incident command system to public health: Developing a self-guided training for local health departments on using incident command with outbreak investigations
3263.0 Traveling down the pathway of competency-based online trainings: Helping learners navigate to meet targeted training needs
3263.0 Enhancing interaction in a graduate-level online certificate program in field epidemiology using wikis, blogs, and Web conferencing
4076.0 Moving to electronic disease surveillance: Lessons learned from a trainer's perspective in designing and delivering a comprehensive statewide training program for local health departments
5007.0 Lessons learned: Training and implementation of an electronic surveillance system in North Carolina