Prakash Tyagi, MD

Head Office
3/458, Milk Men Colony
Pal Road
Jodhpur, N/A
India 342008
3063.0 Water, sanitation and education (WASHED) for school children in the Thar Desert, India
3067.0 Community based eye-care through vision centres in India: An integrated approach
3083.0 Role of Community Health Workers in providing water and health in the Thar Desert, India
3147.0 Mine Laborers' Welfare Program: Providing water-availability, sanitation and health safety for sand-stone mineworkers in India
3232.0 Water, women and health in the Thar Desert, India
3270.0 Promoting and advocating age-friendly healthcare in the Thar Desert, India
5044.0 Arid Horticulture units in the Thar Desert, India : Enhancing nutritional status