Marcia G. Ory, PhD, MPH

Texas A&M HSC School of Rural Public Health
Social & Behavioral Health
TAMU MS 1266
College Station, TX
USA 77843-1266
3225.0 Characteristics and benefits for older women in an evidence-based falls prevention program
3269.0 Successful evidence-based programming for older racial and ethnic minority participants: Implications for program implementation and dissemination
3271.0 Texas Healthy Lifestyles: An evidence-based approach to improving health outcomes in a senior population
3322.0 Falls prevention as a pathway to successful aging: Statewide implementation and dissemination of an evidence-based program
4370.0 Successful evidence-based programming for older rural participants: Geographic variations
5107.0 Texas Falls Prevention Coalition: Mobilizing Falls-Prevention through the Area Agencies on Aging
5107.0 Symposium on the development, implementation and effectiveness of a national evidence-based falls prevention program: A matter of balance-voluntary lay leader model