Sarah L. Lathrop, DVM, PhD

University of New Mexico
Office of the Medical Investigator/Dept. of Pathology
MSC11 6030
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
USA 87131
2060.0 Shigellosis in New Mexico, 2004-2008
2060.0 Recent Cryptosporidium Outbreak Changes New Mexico's Mild Trends, 2004-2008
3317.0 An outbreak of swimming pool-associated cryptosporidiosis: How applied epidemiology influenced environmental health policy
4041.0 Drowning in the desert: Medical examiner-investigated drownings in New Mexico, 1996-2006
4279.0 Salmonella infections in New Mexico, 2004-2007
4279.0 FoodNet Surveillance Trends in New Mexico 2004-2008