Scott Thomas Williams, Vice President

Men's Health Network
PO Box 75972
Washington, DC
USA 20013

Disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: Professional Publications/Affiliations: • Peer Reviewer and Contributing Author – American Journal of Men’s Health (SAGE Publication) • Williams, S. T., & Bruno, A (2007). Worksite wellness programs: What is working. American Journal of Men’s Health, 1 (Number 2), 154-156. • Williams, S. T. (2007). The value of prevention for American men and their families. American Journal of Men’s Health, 1 (Number 3), 228-229. • Williams, S.T. & Fairfax, S (2007). Smoking as a Man’s Issue: Making the Case. American Journal of Men’s Health, (in print). Relevant Speaking Engagements: • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – “Prevention and Men’s Health” (September 2007) • Massachusetts Medical Society – “The Politics of Men’s Health” (May 2007) • World Congress on Men’s Health – “The Politics of Men’s Health” (September 2005 & 2007, Vienna, Austria) • Winnebago Tribe/Indian Health Service – “Prevention for Men and Their Families” (June 2007) • State Medicaid Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committees (New York/Virginia) – “ED and co-morbidities” (Oct. 2006) • United States Senate – “Prostate Cancer Awareness and Education Efforts within Federal Government”(June 2005) • State Symposia on Men’s Health (Tennessee, Maryland, North Carolina) – “Men’s Health Landscape 2006-2007”. Poster Presentation at 136th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition (Oct. 2008) - "State Public Health Department access to care, health information, and education outreach to families and diverse communities: A national phone and direct mail survey"
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.