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![]() 4303.0 Martha May Eliot Forum: Water and Maternal and Child HealthTuesday, November 10, 2009: 2:30 PM
Panel Discussion
Access to safe, clean water is an important development issue which also has substantial impact on the health of women and children. Reaching the Millennium Development Goals 3 (Gender equity), 4 (Child health) and 5 (Maternal health) will require improvements in water, sanitation and basic health services. This session will focus on current perspectives on the intersection between water and the health of women and children. The first panelist will be Dr. Mickey Chopra, new Chief of Health for UNICEF. Dr. Chopra will speak about 'Water and Child Health: Current Priorities at UNICEF'. Diarrhea is a leading cause of child death worldwide and represents the most direct link between water and poor child health outcomes. Dr. Chopra will speak about UNICEF worldwide efforts to address diarrhea morbidity and mortality in children and development projects to improve child health. The second panelist is Ms. Janine Schooley, Senior Vice-President for Programs, Project Concern International. Ms. Schooley will speak about 'Water and Women: Strategies for Engagement and Empowerment'. She will draw from Project Concern International’s water and sanitation work in Latin America, Africa and Asia. She will provide a brief overview of the benefits of water and sanitation programming for women/girls and then focus on key strategies for engaging and empowering women and girls. Two discussants will lead discussion – Prof. Judy Lewis Director of Global Health Education, University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Chair of the Maternal and Child Health Section International Health Committee and Dr. Padmini Murthy from New York Medical College, Section Councilor of the International Health Section of APHA and member of the Women’s Rights committee of the APHA. She is also the NGO representative of the Medical Women’s International to the United Nations Women’s Health Committee. Representatives of the Women and Health Task Force of The Network Towards Unity For Health (TUFH) will also participate in the discussion. The session will address equity and development in the context of the health of women and children, with a particular focus on water, this year’s APHA Annual Convention theme.
Session Objectives: 1) Describe the intersection of water with maternal and child health
2) Discuss development and its impact on maternal and child health
3) Discuss equity with regard to access to safe water and maternal and child health
Debra Jackson, RN MPH DSc
Debra J. Jackson, MPH DSc
Mickey Chopra, PhD
Janine Schooley, MPH
Judy Lewis, MPhil
Padmini Murthy, MD, MPH, MS,CHES
2:30 PM
2:50 PM
3:10 PM
3:30 PM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Maternal and Child Health
See more of: Maternal and Child Health