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![]() 5117.0 Reproductive Health and Family Planning 2Wednesday, November 11, 2009: 10:30 AM
In Kyrgyzstan, in terms of pregnancy rate, user satisfaction, increased couples communication, and family and community support for the method. Scale up and replication of activities is recommended for other areas with similar conditions, including high literacy rate and low HIV prevalence.
In Vietnam and Cambodia, findings from their study would contribute to understanding the attitudes of Asian youth towards pre-marital sex.
In the study involving 4 African countries, the research will also identify community characteristics that can be harnessed in the development of public health interventions, strengthening public health practice for the improvement of program and policy aimed at reducing HIV transmission among young people.
In Kenya, despite the large family sizes, the poor do not attribute their poverty to the number of children they have. With very limited finances and competing needs, family planning has not been a priority for the poor.
To understand the level of inequality and trends related to family planning access, the USAID | Health Policy Initiative conducted an analysis of 47 countries using Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data. The project then conducted market segmentation analysis and a detailed review of the policy environment and its impact on the market in three countries where inequality has been reduced: Jordan, Egypt, and Bangladesh.
Session Objectives: Describe a program to introduce a new method of family planning in Kyrgyzstan
To assess the attitudes of young unmarried adults towards pre-marital and to investigate whether there is a gender-based double-standards sex in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Identify the role of the community social, economic and cultural environment in shaping the sexual behavior of young people in 4 African countries.
To identify policy and operational issues affecting access to family planning services by the poor in Kenya.
Arzum Ciloglu, PhD
10:45 AM
11:30 AM
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: International Health
CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: International Health