4182.0 Provision of quality and culturally sensitive health care for refugees and immigrants

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 12:30 PM
Refugees are confronted by myriads of problems in their newly adopted countries. These can be cultural,language barriers, mental health, or assessing health services among others. Some of the refugees or immigrants may continue their health practices in their new environment. Some of these include complementary, or herbal medicines. It is also important to note that these immigrants are not homogeneous and this recognition is paramount in research or health delivery and communication. In this session, issues related to HIV, mental health, health education and services and provider communication with patients will be covered in their various presentations
Session Objectives: 1. Explain the mental health needs of refugee and immigrant children and youth and how those needs can be addressed at school. 2. Identify at least four strategies for engaging immigrant and refugee families in supporting mental health promotion and services for their children. 3. Explain a model of multidisciplinary, integrated provision of health services and education upon arrival to host country. 4. Discuss the direct influences of Burundian refugees' proximal and distal environments in relation to their ability to succeed in resettlement 5. Explain understanding of medical pluralism among Mexican immigrants 6. Describe patterns of herbal use among Mexican patients 7. List 5 strategies to increase patient-provider communication regarding CAM use 8.Describe the HIV epidemic among African immigrants and refugees living in the United States 9. Analyze HIV provisions as it relates to providing HIV prevention, education, and treatment services to African immigrants and refugees
Anthony Sallar, PhD, MPH, MBA

12:50 PM
Healing Transitions: A community based model for the provision of culturally relevant programs for Burundian refugees
Denise Bates, PhD, RRT, CHES, Allison Anders, PhD and Amy K. Richardson, BS
1:10 PM
Why I Don't Tell My Doctor: Assessing Patient-Provider communication on CAM use among a Latino population
Juan Carlos Belliard, PhD, MPH, Rupinder Cheema, MPH(c), Kathryn Knecht, PhD, Adriana Arzate, MPH and Susanne Montgomery, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Caucus on Refugee and Immigrant Health
Endorsed by: Alternative and Complementary Health Practices, Family Violence Prevention Forum, Community Health Planning and Policy Development, Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community, Public Health Nursing, Socialist Caucus, Social Work

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)