2038.0 Occupational Health and Safety Posters - Industrial Hygiene and Exposures

Sunday, November 8, 2009: 2:30 PM

Board 1
Fresh from the orchard: Best practices for preventing pesticide exposure
Jennifer Krenz, MS,MPH Candidate, Kit Galvin, MS,ROH, Maria Tchong-French, MPH and Richard Fenske, MPH,PhD
Board 2
Farmer Exposure to Organic Solvents During the Maintenance and Repair of Farm Machinery: A Pilot Study
Terry L. Bunn, PhD, Youcheng Liu, MD, ScD, Kiyoung Lee, ScD, Medearis A. Robertson, BS and Lei Yu, PhD
Board 6
Factors Influencing Worker Use of Personal Protective Eyewear
David A. Lombardi, PhD, Santosh K. Verma, MBBS, MPH, Melanye J. Brennan, MS and Melissa Perry, ScD
Board 7
Beryllium sensitization associated with low exposure in the manufacture of nuclear weapons
Marek. Mikulski, MD, MPH, Valentina Clottey, MB ChB, MPH, Nicholas, A. Hoeger, Christina, J. Nichols, Jill K. Welch, MPH, Marta Tryzna, MA, Leda Lozier and Laurence Fuortes, MD, MS
Board 9
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant mortality study: Job title analysis
M. Caroline Chan, MPH, Therese S. Hughes, PhD, Susan B. Muldoon, PhD, Tim Aldrich, PhD, Carol Rice, PhD, CIH, Richard Hornung, DrPH and David J. Tollerud, MD, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Occupational Health and Safety