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![]() 3411.0 Partnerships for Environmental Public Health: Promoting Research to ActionMonday, November 9, 2009: 4:30 PM
Environmental Public Health is defined as the science of conducting and translating research into action to address environmental exposures and health risks of concern to the public. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, over the past year has sought feedback and recommendations from the extramural community as it has established a new integrated, umbrella program called Partnerships for Environmental Public Health. Based on the comments received, the new program will focus on the following key areas of environmental public health: research, communication, capacity building, evaluation and coordination. The key tenants of the program include a strong focus on prevention, engagement of diverse stakeholders at all stages of research, value equally scientific advances and translational efforts, and promote research that leads to action. In this session, leaders in the field will address the key importance and opportunities in research, communication, capacity building and coordination as they relate to environmental public health. The objective of the session is to raise awareness of the opportunities in and provide a framework from which to advance the field of environmental public health and promote research to action.
Session Objectives: 1. Attendees will be able to identify the important need for research, communication, capacity building, coordination, and evaluation to advance environmental public health.
2. Attendees will be able to assess the various opportunities and discuss the challenges to advance the field of environmental public health in these areas.
3. Attendees will be able to describe strategies for building partnerships that more effectively address environmental public health concerns of community groups.
Liam O'Fallon, MA
Liam O'Fallon, MA
Amy J. Schulz, PhD MPH
Angela Reyes, MPH
Robert A. Hiatt, MD, PhD
Diane Takvorian
Gwen W. Collman, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Environment
CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: Environment