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![]() 4081.0 Women and Diabetes: What's Depression got to Do With It?Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 10:30 AM
Depression is a mood disorder that can strike anyone, regardless of age or gender. People with diabetes have a greater risk of depression, with women being twice as likely as men to become depressed. Having both diabetes and depression may result in people having a difficult time following a diabetes treatment plan, which in turn may place them at risk for otherwise avoidable diabetes-related complications, including heart disease, vision, and circulation problems. It can likewise increase their risk of premature death.
Low income and low social support are associated with depression. Women, older adults, and individuals from racial minority groups have the highest rates of poverty. Women with diabetes are almost twice as likely as women without diabetes to have an annual income <$25,000. Poverty and social isolation may place individuals at risk for poor health, such as depression, and may make access to care more challenging.
In this session, the presenters will describe issues associated with diabetes and depression for women by presenting a case study, identifying key statistics associated with both conditions, reviewing socioenvironmental factors that can influence the development of depression, and describing the treatment options and community resources that may be available. Materials on mental health issues that have been developed by the National Diabetes Education Program, which is cosponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, will also be described.
Session Objectives: After this presentation, participants will be able to…
1. Describe the association between diabetes and depression
2. Discuss how depression can affect the lives of women with diabetes
3. Describe treatment options and community resources that may be available to assist women who are dealing with both diabetes and symptoms of depression
Mighty Fine, MPH, CHES
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: APHA CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: APHA