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![]() 4039.0 Older Adults and HIV: Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors in HealthTuesday, November 10, 2009: 8:30 AM
According to the CDC, over 25% of individuals living with HIV in the United States are over 50. Within the next ten years, adults 50 and over are projected to account for over one-half of persons living with HIV. This increase is a result of both treatment advances that have allowed persons with HIV to live longer and healthier lives, and cultural and demographic factors that have led to increased rates of new infections among older adults. As this population grows, it is imperative to understand their unique prevention and treatment needs. HIV+ older adults are subject to the dual stigmas of ageism and HIV, and are particularly vulnerable to the negative mental health outcomes that accompany discrimination. Despite popular stereotypes to the contrary, older adults living with HIV continue to be sexually active, but little research has examined sexual behavior patterns and risk. In terms of coping and social support, older adults may be at a disadvantage compared to their younger counterparts, as many report weak support systems and frequently lack family members to provide informal caregiving. Finally, similar to the challenges facing older adults more generally, older HIV+ persons are at particular risk for financial difficulty and strain. This panel presents four analyses of data from the Research on Older Adults with HIV (ROAH) study, the largest study of HIV-positive adults over 50 in the United States. Each analysis addresses critical factors affecting the health of older HIV+ persons, including stigma, mental health, sexual behavior and risk, social support and isolation, and financial strain. This panel is of particular interest to researchers, clinicians, service providers, and policy makers interested in improving the physical and mental health of this critical population.
Session Objectives: 1) Describe factors affecting the mental health of older HIV+ persons. 2) Explain factors related to stigma among older HIV+ persons. 3) Describe patterns of sexual behavior of older HIV+ persons.
Jeffrey T. Parsons, PhD
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: HIV/AIDS
CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)
See more of: HIV/AIDS