4333.0 Poster session: Innovations in International Health

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 4:30 PM

Board 1
Avoidable causes of death in a low-income area in Rio de Janeiro Sate, Brazil: A ten-year longitudinal record linkage study
Maria Teresa Cravo Guimar�es Nimrichter DE Almeida, MD MSc, Claudia Medina Coeli, MD PhD, Liz Maria de Almeida, MD PhD and Kenneth Rochel de Camargo, MD PhD
Board 2
A pilot study of breast cancer intervention and early detection program in China
Grace X. Ma, PhD, Lihong Yin, PHD, Yin Tan, MD and Ran Liu
Board 4
Psychological health of the primary caregivers of home-based adults with dementia: India and Taiwan
Kuo-Feng Lee, MS, OT, Asmita Sarang, MS, OT and Machiko R. Tomita, PhD
Board 5
Perception of importance of selected health indicators and objectives for indigenous peoples related to the Healthy People 2020 in Taiwan
Shu-Yu Lyu, MPH, PhD, Eugene Yu-Chang Peng, MD, MS, Wen-Min Lo, MS and Ken N. Kuo, MD, FACS
Board 6
Lesions identified by cranial computerized tomography of people with epilepsy in rural areas of Burkina Faso: A cross-sectional study
Pascal Nitiema, MD,MPH, Athanase Millogo, MD, Helene Carabin, DVM, PhD, Sennen Hounton, Rasman� Ganaba, Rabiou Cisse, MD, Linda D. Cowan, PhD, Marie-Paul Boncoeur-Martel, MD and Pierre-Marie Preux, MD
Board 7
Youth self-report on Psychological and Physical Symptoms as related to family history of Cardiovascular Disease in Indian adolescent
Rosy Chhabra, PsyD, Sonia Suchday, PhD, Ruth EK Stein, MD, Carolyn Springer, PhD and Nehama Teitelman, BA

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: International Health
Endorsed by: Women's Caucus

See more of: International Health