4004.0 Mind, Body, and Spirituality in ACHP

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 8:30 AM
This session will present topics related to mind, body, spirit in alternatice and complementary health practices.
Session Objectives: Describe the complementary health practices presented. Discuss how alternative and/or compelementary health practices can benefit a specific population or condition. Explain how complementary practices can be incorporated into standard medical care.

8:30 AM
Mindfulness Meditation for Elders: Preliminary Results from an MBSR Program
Elaine J. Yuen, PhD, Diane Reibel, PhD and George Heckert
8:50 AM
A Prevalence Study of Folk Remedy Use by the Middle-Appalachian Elderly
Nicole W. Brynes, BA, Elizabeth Conlisk, Christopher D. Jarvis, PhD and Nancy Lowry, PhD
9:10 AM
East Meets East: Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine - A Comparison
Sivarama Prasad Vinjamury, MD and Manjusha Vinjamury, MD(Ayurveda)
9:30 AM
Effect of Practicing YXQ on Weight Loss – An Evidence-Based Study
Xin Yan, MD, Hua Shen, Yuhong Yang, PhD, Hsiaowen C. Huang, Jianyuan Wang, Shuyi Hua, Saling Huang, Peihua Ni, Jun Wang, PhD and Chunling Lu, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Alternative and Complementary Health Practices
Endorsed by: Asian Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health, Caucus on Public Health and the Faith Community, Gerontological Health, Socialist Caucus, Social Work

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)