4256.0 Integrative Therapies and Wellness

Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 2:30 PM
This session will present topics related to integrative therapies and wellness.
Session Objectives: Describe the complementary health practices presented. Discuss how alternative and/or compelementary health practices can benefit a specific population or condition. Explain how complementary practices can be incorporated into standard medical care.
Elizabeth A. Sommers, MPH, LicAc

2:30 PM
Use of complementary and alternative medicine in Puerto Rico
Roberto Torres-Zeno, PhD, Matías Leida, PhD, Ruth Ríos, Jorge Miranda-Massari, PhD and Yelitza Sánchez
2:50 PM
Patient-based outcome measures in acupuncture clinical research: How do we choose?
Raheleh Khorsan, MA, Alexandra York, MS, Ian Coulter, PhD, Remy R. Coeytaux, MD, PhD, Joan A.G. Walter, JD, PA-C and Rachel Wurzman, MS
3:10 PM
Association between alternative and complementary health practices and change in body mass index in a large military cohort
Isabel G. Jacobson, MPH, Charlene A. Wong, MPH, Besa Smith, MPH, PhD, Edward J. Boyko, MD, MPH, Gary D. Gackstetter, DVM, MPH, PhD and Tyler C. Smith, MS, PhD
3:30 PM
Effects of stress reduction on dyslipedemia in diabetic African American women
Carolyn Gaylord-King, PhD, Maxwell Rainforth, Ken Walton, PhD, Otelio Randall, MD, John Salerno, PhD, Sanford Nidich, EdD, Charlie Harris, PhD, Shichen Xu, MD, Gregory Strayhorn, MD and Robert Schneider, MD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Alternative and Complementary Health Practices
Endorsed by: Socialist Caucus

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH)