APHA Meetings: Online Program |
Mental Health Poster Session VI
Tuesday, November 10, 2009: 2:30 PM
Board 1
Community Partners in Care: A description of the planning phase of a community partnered participatory research project to adapt and to disseminate quality improvement for depression care into underserved, low income, minority communities in Los Angeles
Bowen Chung, MD, MSHS, Elizabeth L. Dixon, RN, PhD, Loretta S. Jones, MA, Timothy Wright, RN, PhD, Leopoldo Cabassa, PhD, Mariana Horta, BA, Jeanne Miranda, PhD and Kenneth Wells, MD, MPH
Board 2
Social Stigma, Quality of Life, and Mental Health Among Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China: An application of Structural Equation Modeling
Bo Wang, PhD, Xiaoming Li, PhD, Bonita Stanton, MD, James McGuire, PhD, Xiaoyi Fang, PhD and Shuli Yu, PhD
Board 7
Participatory mental health promotion research on a diverse urban campus: Identifying and mobilizing resources for educational success and wellness
Ester R. Shapiro, PhD, Elizabeth Mongillo, MA, Lissa Young, MA, Heidi Cavanaugh, BA, Andrew Bodman, BA, Hercilia Corona-Ordo�ez, MA, Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad, BA and Speshal Walker, BA
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Mental Health
Endorsed by: Women's Caucus