216529 Public consciousness: Base for tobacco control

Monday, November 8, 2010

Francisco J. L�pez-Antu�ano, MD, MPH , President, National Council of Public Health, M�xico, DF, Mexico
Advocacy and communication are considered the most effective strategies to diminish economic and political power of big tobacco industry (BTI). To put them in practice, we need to change the Mexican juridical structure and completely adapt it to the ratified WHO-FCTC. The instrumentation of these strategies should be the result of the organized civil society in alliance with all Mexican State Institutions: to avoid tobacco dependence, prevent initiation in tobacco smoking, nicotine addiction and all the devastating sanitarian, political, social and economic consequences of the supply, demand and consumption of tobacco products. The people should be totally aware of the origin and consequences of the toxic tobacco smoke (TTS), they should know all about brain and lungs damage, be alarmed for the tremendous harm to human beings: physical and mental pathologies, suffer and life briefness. We are ready to take advantage of the lessons recently learnt about the strong BTI influence, to defend the fraudulent Tobacco Control General Law (TCGL-2008). Since the TCGL, 2008, among others, violates the WHO-FCTC and the Mexican human rights on information and Health, should be revalued. Our goal is the eradication of poissoned atmospheres (TTS), in defense of the right to collective health and by the decision of all Mexicans. To achieve this situation, the control program needs the concerted efforts of multiple partners and stakeholders of education (public and private) and related to health sectors, such as agriculture, economy, public works, trade, transportation, parks and recreation sectors from the social services.

Learning Areas:
Advocacy for health and health education
Basic medical science applied in public health
Chronic disease management and prevention
Planning of health education strategies, interventions, and programs
Public health or related education
Public health or related public policy

Learning Objectives:
To discuss the importance of expanding public consciousness about origin and consequences of the toxic tobacco smoke in order to advocate and communicate with legislators to change juridical Mexican system to construct: (a)integral and regulatory local laws supporting WHO-FCTC principles, (b) comunity-based permanent and effective tobacco control program in alliance with all the Mexican State Institutions, (c) nicotine addiction prevention program as the result of the organized civil society together with the Health and Education National Systems.

Keywords: Tobacco Control, Advocacy

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a public health MD specialist, certified by the National Public Health Council in Mexico since year 2000 and I have no financial, professional or personal nature relationship that would potentially bias my presentation.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.