229563 Use of e-tools for Managing Statistical and Data Request for Large Epidemiological Studies: Lessons Learned from the Jackson Heart Study

Monday, November 8, 2010

Daniel Sarpong, PhD , RTRN - Data and Technology Coordinating Center, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
Pramod Anugu, MS, MPH , Jackson Heart Study Coordinating Center, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
Kiana Robinson, MPH , Jackson Heart Study, Jackson State Univerisity, Jackson, MS
Brenda W. Jenkins, MPH, PhD , Jackson Heart Study/Project Health, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
Clifton C. Addison, PhD , Jackson Heart Study/Project Health, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
Gregory Wilson, MA , Jackson Heart Study, Jackson State Univerisity, Jackson, MS
Background: Advancement of technology and far-reaching access to the internet has created a quantum leap in the use of e-tools (electronic tools) in various disciplines. Researchers seek and access scientific peer and non-peer reviewed information using e-tools. Research support that the use of database driven web-based applications create efficient and cost-effective research support services, primarily in the access and management of dynamic information. Hence, the primary objective of this presentation is to share the lessons learned from the use of e-tools in Data Management of the Jackson Heart Study (JHS) Coordinating Center. JHS is the largest single-site observational cohort study designed to assess the etiology and progression of CVD in African Americans. Methods: Microsoft ASP.net is a Web-based application framework that allows the application's developer to build a Web application with three key functions: Model � database driven feature, Controller � allows upgrades and interaction with the Model feature, and View � displays information from the Controller feature to the end-user. The suite of e-tools was developed to manage Data and Statistical Computing Requests and Scientific Productivity. Results: The JHS suite of e-tools has enhanced the management of the provision of statistical data management and research support for Scientific Productivity in the areas of publications and presentations and ancillary studies. Also, the suite of e-tools has significantly reduced the person-hours dedicated to these functions and previous complaints by external investigators. Discussion: These tools have proven to be effective and efficient for semi-automation of managing and tracking of these key scientific functions.

Learning Areas:
Communication and informatics
Other professions or practice related to public health
Program planning
Public health or related research
Systems thinking models (conceptual and theoretical models), applications related to public health

Learning Objectives:
To describe the e-tools used in the Jackson Heart Study for data management and to support scientific productivity 2. To demonstrate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a suite of e-tools used in the Jackson Heart Study. 3. To demonstrate the importance of the use of e-tools in creating dynamic data-driven applications in clinical and epidemiological research

Keywords: Internet Tools, Research

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I led the preparation of this abstract and guided the development of the suite of e-tools to presented at the conference.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.