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![]() 230664 New Tools and Technologies: The Way Forward?Monday, November 8, 2010
: 9:30 AM - 9:50 AM
The marked increase in TB among HIV-infected persons and the expanding epidemic of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) threaten global control. Recent events in South Africa illustrate the public health emergency when these two threats collide – dramatic outbreaks of a lethal disease among a highly-susceptible population. Clearly, new tools are needed to regain control of TB. First, better diagnostic tests are needed. The sputum smear, the standard test to diagnose TB in high-burden countries, is insensitive. Drug resistance testing is not available in high-burden settings, meaning that most patients with MDR-TB die without a diagnosis or appropriate treatment. Lack of drug resistance testing in sub-Saharan Africa allowed an epidemic of MDR-TB to spread widely before its presence was detected. Second, new drugs are needed to treat both drug-resistant and drug-susceptible TB. Current therapy for MDR-TB has marginal activity, is toxic and requires tremendous resources to provide 2 years of daily therapy. Finally, a vaccine with greater efficacy than the BCG vaccine would greatly help regain TB control. After years of inactivity, there are now well-organized research efforts to improve TB diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines. A number of challenges remain: retaining industry involvement when the market is large but high-burden countries are poor, assuring the involvement of key subgroups of patients in research (children, patients with HIV and/or drug-resistant TB). With recognition of these barriers and creative efforts on the part of governments, non-governmental organizations and industry, major progress will be made to regain control of TB within the next decade.
Learning Areas:
Protection of the public in relation to communicable diseases including prevention or controlPublic health or related research Learning Objectives:
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I have been involved in TB drug development for the past 15 years and currently chair the science planning committee of the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium, a multicenter clinical trials group devoted to improving the treatment of TB. I also work on TB trial design for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
Back to: 3011.0: Tuberculosis: The Effect of Social Justice on a Global Epidemic