Jessica Sales, PhD

Emory University
Rollins School of Public Health Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education
1518 Clifton Rd NE
Atlanta, GA
USA 30322
3126.0 Accuracy of Self-Reported HIV Testing Among Late Adolescents: Findings From a Sample of Young African-American Women Seeking Services at Sexual Health Clinics
3263.0 Psychometric properties of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support in a clinic-based sample of African-American adolescent females
3269.0 Relationship Between Detained African-American Adolescent Females' Perceived Life Chances and HIV-Associated Sexual Risk Behaviors
4196.0 Factors Associated with Sexual Concurrency among At-Risk African American Teen Women
5112.0 Enhancing maintenance of HIV intervention efficacy by brief, telephone-delivered, tailored counseling for young African American women
5131.0 Changes in rural parents' vaccination-related attitudes and intention to vaccinate middle and high school children against influenza following influenza vaccination intervention