Rhonda Belue, PhD

Penn State University
Health Policy and Administration
604 Ford Building
University Park, PA
USA 16801
3169.2 Is health information seeking and use associated with race and ethnicity?
3216.1 Improving Health Care Quality and Reducing Health Disparities: The Impact of Consumer Empowerment and Health Information Technology
3256.1 “A Silent Killer”: How Zambian Immigrants in a Midwestern State Explain Hypertension
3368.2 Health information technology and physician career satisfaction
4200.0 Mental health problems and parental immigrant status among adolescents: Effect of race/ethnicity
4324.0 Experiences with Cardiovascular Risk Management in Dakar, Senegal West Africa
4324.0 “They say eating carbohydrates or sugar” – Perceptions and daily experiences of people living with diabetes and hypertension in Lagos, Nigeria
4326.0 Development of a scale to measure Nurses Experiences with HIV and AIDS Stigma in South Africa
5023.0 Physical activity and overweight by immigrant generation: Results from the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health