Jonathan J. Sury, MPH, CPH

Columbia University
National Center for Disaster Preparedness
215 West 125th Street
Suite 303
New York, NY
USA 10027
4071.0 Dealing with climate change: An evaluation of a national online course
4147.0 A Cluster Analysis on Barriers to Evacuate
4148.0 Improving Hospital Workers' Willingness to Work: Using Group-Specific Differences to Investigate Associations between Barriers and Interventions
4244.0 Community Circles and Cells: A method for rapidly engaging communities in risk communication feedback
5137.0 Analysis of Rater Reliabilities of Incomplete Designs: A Simulation of Partially Balanced Incomplete Designs and Empirical Application
5162.1 Role of place and space in a displaced population's post-disaster recovery: A geographically weighted regression analysis