Janice C. Probst, PhD

South Carolina Rural Health Research Center
University of South Carolina
220 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 204
Columbia, SC
USA 29210
2018.1 Oral health in rural South Carolina: The importance of the relationship between school nurses and the dental community
2042.0 Cervical cancer prevention and control practices, knowledge, and preferences among women living in the Southeastern United States
3052.1 Receipt of Influenza and Pneumonia Vaccinations: The Dual Disparity of Rural Minorities
3136.1 Racial disparities in mortality among middle aged adults in the United States: Is health insurance the solution?
3423.0 Whitner Decision: A punitive response to substance use among women in South Carolina
5014.0 Cesarean and VBAC Rates among Immigrant vs. Native-Born Women –
5064.0 Insurance Access to Eye Care Services and Association with Visual Impairment Among US Adults