Patricia M. Speck, DNSc, FNP-BC, FAAN

University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Nursing
Department of Primary Care and Public Health
877 Madison Avenue
Memphis, TN
USA 38163
3212.0 Public health prevention and intervention with family violence
3418.0 Quest for a Healthy City: Partnership with a Stakeholder Consortium to build DNP PHN Core Competencies
4062.0 Risks & Barriers Faced by Youth Infected with HIV Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Health Care Settings
4140.0 Pilot study to identify the prevalence of adverse childhood events in an Southern urban HIV specialty clinic targeting socio-economic disparities to change health care practice
5132.0 Strengths in and Barriers to Outreach Processes and Productivity in a Public Health Maternal and Early Childhood Nurse Home Visitation Program