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![]() 3025.0 A Public Health Focus on InfertilityMonday, November 8, 2010: 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
In 2002, two million American women of reproductive age were infertile. Infertility is also common among men. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducts surveillance and research on the causes of infertility; monitors the safety and efficacy of infertility treatment; and sponsors national prevention programs. A CDC-wide working group found that, despite this effort, considerable gaps and opportunities exist in surveillance, research, communication, and program and policy development. In September 2008, CDC hosted a meeting attended by international experts, representatives from federal agencies, professional and consumer organizations, and other stakeholders to convene a variety of perspectives on infertility and begin a discussion on what is known, what can be done, and what is needed to develop a comprehensive public health approach to infertility prevention, detection and management. In 2009, CDC drafted the outline of a National Action Plan for the Prevention, Detection and Management of Infertility. Working groups have been formed to complete the development of the Plan. The purpose of this session is to give an overview of infertility as a public health concern, describe ongoing prevention efforts, and present progress made on the development of the national action plan.
Session Objectives: At the conclusion of the symposium participants should be able to:
1. Describe recent U.S. trends in the prevalence of infertility, list key demographic patterns and risk factors, and identify current opportunities for the prevention of infertility.
2. Describe ongoing public health programs aimed at reducing the prevalence of infertility and discuss epidemiologic indicators necessary to evaluate program impact.
Nina Larsen, MSPH
Maurizo Macaluso, MD, DrPH
Introductory Remarks
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information. Organized by: Epidemiology
See more of: Epidemiology