APHA Meetings: Online Program |
Drug Use Across the Globe
Tuesday, November 9, 2010: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Board 2
Gender differences in substance abuse among juvenile inmates in Taiwan
Eugene Yu-Chang Peng, MD, MS, Shu-Yu Lyu, MPH, PhD, Donald E. Morisky, ScD, MSPH, ScM, Liang-Ting Tsai, MS, PhD and Po-Tswen Yu, MS
Board 4
Comparing pregnant and non-pregnant women in South Africa: Drug use, HIV risk and the need for comprehensive services
Hendree Jones, PhD, Felicia A. Browne, MPH, CHES, Bronwyn Myers, PhD, Tara Carney, MA, Rachel Middlesteadt Ellerson, Tracy Kline, PhD, Winona Poulton, MPH, William A. Zule, DrPH and Wendee M. Wechsberg, PhD
Board 7
Adapting a Men's Intervention to Address Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Cape Town, South Africa
Wendee M. Wechsberg, MS, PhD, Rodney Fortuin, BA, Tara Carney, MA, Felicia A. Browne, MPH, CHES, Bronwyn Myers, PhD and William A. Zule, DrPH
See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.
Organized by: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Endorsed by: International Health