Effect of community water fluoridation on inequalities in oral health
Michael McGrady, BDS, PG Dip1, Roger Ellwood, BDS, MSc, MDS, PhD1, Anne Maguire, BDS, FDS RCS (Ed), PhD, FHEA2, Dianne Tabari, BDS, DDPH (FRCS)3, Michaela Goodwin, BSc, MSc1, Nicola Boothman, BA (Hons), MPhil1 and Iain Pretty, BDS(Hons), MSc, PhD, MFDSRCS (Ed), MPH, FDS(DPH)RCPS1
(1)University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, (2)Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom, (3)Newcastle Primary Care Trust, Newcastle, United Kingdom
(1)University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, (2)Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom, (3)Newcastle Primary Care Trust, Newcastle, United Kingdom