Use of Remote Sensing/Geographical Information Systems (RS/GIS) to identify the distributional limits of soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) and their association to prevalence of intestinal infection in school-age children in four rural communities in Boaco, Nicaragua
Max Moreno - Madriñan, PhD, MEM1, Mohammad Al-Hamdan, PhD, ME2, David Parajón, MD MPH3, Douglas Rickman, PhD1, Jeffrey Luvall, PhD1, Laura Parajon, MD, MPH3, Roberto Martinez, MPH3 and Sue Estes, MS4
(1)NASA, Huntsville, AL, (2)USRA/NASA, Huntsville, AL, (3)AMOS Health and Hope, Managua, Nicaragua, (4)NASA/USRA, Huntsville, AL
(1)NASA, Huntsville, AL, (2)USRA/NASA, Huntsville, AL, (3)AMOS Health and Hope, Managua, Nicaragua, (4)NASA/USRA, Huntsville, AL