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![]() 247566 Reducing radon and secondhand smoke in the homeTuesday, November 1, 2011: 3:30 PM
Exposure to tobacco smoke and radon greatly increase lung cancer risk. The study examined outcomes of a dual home screening protocol to assess home exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) and radon. The study was a quasi-experimental design using quota sampling. Parents of children presenting at a pediatrics practice (N=50) completed baseline and follow up surveys to assess attitudes and intentions to reduce radon and SHS in the home, and were provided free home radon and SHS kits. Radon and airborne nicotine results were shared using a risk communication intervention. The majority were female (88%), Caucasian (94%), and married (91%), with an average age of 37.8 (SD=7.9). Most had some post-secondary education (86%), were employed (74%), and had an annual income over $75,000 (86%). One-fifth were current smokers and nearly half (46%) had a smoker living in the home. Of the returned kits, 26% indicated elevated radon (>4.0 pCi/L) and 38% had high air nicotine. Parents viewed SHS as more risky than radon. Parents in nonsmoking homes were more likely to know the synergistic risk of radon and SHS than those in smoking homes. There was no difference by home smoking status in perception of radon or SHS risk. Of those with high radon, more than half had either contacted a mitigation specialist or planned to follow through. Of those with positive air nicotine, 75% had adopted smoke-free home policies. A dual screening approach and simple risk communication intervention holds promise in promoting healthy home environments among families with young children.
Learning Areas:
Environmental health sciencesLearning Objectives: Keywords: Air Quality, Child Health Promotion
Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: I am a professor in the College of Nursing and College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky. In addition, I am Director of the Tobacco Policy Research Program at the University of Kentucky and Director of the Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy. I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.
See more of: Healthy homes, day cares, and schools: Intervention in built environments for children
See more of: Environment |