248387 Prevalence of Non-HIV comorbidity in HIV Inpatients in the State of New Jersey

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bongguk Jin, Ph D , New Solutions Inc. & Beacon Health Informatics., New Brunswick, NJ
Nancy Erickson, MSW , New Solutions Inc., New Brunswick, NJ
This study intends to examine the prevalence of non-HIV comorbidities, and to identify the disparities in the occurrence of non-HIV comorbidities among different demographic groups of HIV patients. Inpatient acute discharges for HIV patients were extracted from NJ hospital discharge data(2005-2009) using Major Diagnostic Category(MDC) 25. The list of non-HIV comorbidities used in this study include: substance abuse; psychiatric disorders; general medical comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hepatitis A/B/C, tuberculosis, and syphilis). Each category of non-HIV comorbidities was identified using ICD-9 diagnosis codes, and the occurrence of these conditions was identified for each race, gender, and age group. There were about 19,000 discharges with a steady decreasing trend(-22%) from 2005-2009. Substance abuse had the highest occurrence among all non-HIV comorbidities (40.3% of all HIV discharges), followed by hepatitis(25.1%), hypertension(24.7%), diabetes(9.4%) and psychiatric disorders(9.0%). Significant racial disparities were found. Blacks had a higher rate of substance abuse(÷²=215.6,p<.0001) and hypertension (÷²=451.9,p<.0001) while whites had a higher rate of psychiatric disorders (÷²=86.4,p<.0001) than other races. However, no significant gender-race interactions were found in any of three conditions above. Significant gender disparities were found with women having higher rates of substance abuse (÷²=70.9,p<.0001) than men in all the races. Age also played a significant role in the occurrence of non-HIV comorbidities. The rates of all the general medical conditions increased with age. Substance abuse was significantly higher among those aged 35-54 than any other age group (÷²=381.8,p<.0001). Psychiatric disorders were pervasive among all age groups with rates ranging from 7.8% (less than 18) to 11.9%(55+older).

Learning Areas:
Program planning
Public health administration or related administration

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the most common non-HIV comorbidities. 2. Explain the disparities in non-HIV comorbidity conditions based on gender, race, and age.

Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Health Disparities

Presenting author's disclosure statement:

Qualified on the content I am responsible for because: In my position at New Solutions inc., I am responsible for research and analytical analysis of all aspects of the firm's research activities including risk adjusted studies of quality outcomes and resource utilization of health care services, survey research and development of analytical research projects. I also have conducted several research studies investigating the impact of social psychological factors on mental health and well-being.
Any relevant financial relationships? No

I agree to comply with the American Public Health Association Conflict of Interest and Commercial Support Guidelines, and to disclose to the participants any off-label or experimental uses of a commercial product or service discussed in my presentation.