Lisa Craypo, MPH, RD

Samuels & Associates
1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, CA
USA 94612
3031.0 Statewide Health Improvement Program in Olmsted County, Minnesota: The School Food and Beverage Environment
3031.0 FoodBEAMS: Measuring and improving the school competitive food environment
3331.0 Designing and implementing policy change-focused grantmaking strategies to improve food and physical activity access in low-income communities
4104.0 Environmental and policy approaches to preventing obesity and reducing health disparities: The final evaluation results from two community-based obesity-prevention initiatives in California
4104.0 Examining the impact of an environmental and policy change obesity prevention approach on parents' perceptions of the food and physical activity environment: The HEAC survey of parents residing in six low-income CA communities
4287.0 Local policy action to improve community food and physical activity environments: Results from a survey of California communities
5108.0 Communities demonstrate what it takes to make joint use work