Jose A. Bauermeister, MPH, PhD

University of Michigan School of Public Health
Health Behavior and Health Education
1415 Washington Heights, Rm. 3822
Ann Arbor, MI
USA 48109
2036.0 Effects of Cumulative Risks and Promotive Factors on Violent Behavior Among Urban Adolescents: A Longitudinal Analysis of Resiliency Theory
3054.0 Different Life-Domain Stressors and the Development of Violent Behaviors Among African Americans Transitioning into Adulthood
3147.0 Sexual Risk Behavior Trajectories in Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood: The Role of Mother and Father Support
3293.0 Romantic ideation and sexual risk among young men who have sex with men (YMSM)
3294.0 Sexual attraction and psychosocial well being in young women
3385.0 Innovative recruitment using online networks: Lessons learned from an online study of alcohol and other drug use (AOD) using a web-based Respondent Driven Sampling (WebRDS) strategy
3388.0 Role of online communities in young adults' (YA) alcohol and other drug use (AOD): Examining the relationship between AOD and permissive norms within YA's online networks
4229.0 Examining the relationship between young adults' internet use (IU) and their psychological well-being (PWB): A risk and resilience perspective
4229.0 Neighborhood context and perceptions of stress over time: An ecological model of neighborhood stressors and intrapersonal and interpersonal resources and coping
4369.0 Examining the relationship between purpose and meaning in life and alcohol and other drug use in young adulthood
5201.0 Sexting: An emerging sexual behavior in online communities