David C. Perlman, MD

Beth Israel Medical Center
Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute
120 East 16th Street, 12th floor
New York, NY
USA 10003
3232.0 Need for vaccination for vaccine preventable hepatitis in methadone maintenance treatment
3287.0 Can non-injecting drug use protect against blood borne viruses among people who inject drugs? Evidence from Tallinn, Estonia and New York City, USA
3288.0 Associations between Herpes Simplex type 2 virus and Hepatitis C virus with HIV among injecting drug users in New York City: The current importance of sexual transmission of HIV
3301.0 Impact of knowledge on perceptions of susceptibility to HAV and HBV infection among methadone maintenance patients
4248.0 Integrated viral hepatitis care for methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) patients-results from a RCT
4271.0 Epidemiology of pain among drug users in methadone maintenance
5096.0 Education and counseling intervention effective in increasing HIV and hepatitis knowledge among drug users