Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University
Department of Health, Behavior and Society
624 N. Broadway Rm 726
3045.0 Newspaper reporting of off-road vehicle crashes
3184.0 A content analysis of food advertisements appearing in parenting magazines
3186.0 Country of Origin Labeling for Seafood: An exploration of the information environment in Baltimore City grocery stores
3283.0 El Obamacare: A comparison of healthcare reform coverage in Spanish and English language newspapers in Miami, FL
3339.0 “I come from a black-eyed pea background”: How women incorporate their personal history into dietary decision making
3402.0 Wake up to health: Describing the coverage of health in Spanish-language morning news programming
4179.0 Magazine Alcohol Advertising 2008-2010: Results from a Content Analysis
5030.0 “It's like Big Mama's house.”: Understanding the importance of extended family networks in addressing childhood obesity among urban African American children