2049.0 Substance abuse, Violence and Bullying in Schools

Sunday, October 30, 2011: 2:30 PM
Larry K. Olsen, DrPH, MCHES

Board 3
Needs assessment of youth drug abuse prevention education in Taiwan
Fong-ching Chang, Ching-Mei Lee, Nae-Fang Miao, Shu-Ching Lee and Sieh-Hwa Lin
Board 4
Epidemiology of gun carrying among Puerto Rican students: Prevalence, socio-demographics and risk factors
Soe Rodriguez Alamo, BS, Paola Piovanetti, BS, Mary Vanellys Diaz Santana, Bs and Juan C. Reyes, EdD, MS
Board 5
Board 6
LGBTQ youth action research as a tool for policy and school change
Maureen Sedonaen, MBA, Jennifer Juras, PhD and Kristen Law, MA
Board 7
Childhood violence protection programs in Mexico schools
Adriana Peña De La Cruz, BS and Larry K. Olsen, DrPH, CHES
Board 9

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: School Health Education and Services
Endorsed by: Family Violence Prevention Forum, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs