2070.0 Linking Public Health Practice to Family Violence

Sunday, October 30, 2011: 4:30 PM

Board 1
Trauma exposure among drug-endangered children
Ginny Sprang, PhD, Michele Staton-Tindall, PhD and James J. Clark, PhD
Board 2
Cortisol levels following a laboratory stressor among female adolescents with PTSD
Lily Ann Divino, LCSW, MPH, Erin Carlin Koch, Aida Alikalfic, MA, Alma Martinez, MPH and L. Oriana Linares, PhD
Board 4
Relationship between parenting stress and posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology in domestic violence survivors
Melissa Lin, MS, Sascha Griffing, PhD, Abbie Tuller, MA, Robert Sage, PhD and Lorraine Madry, DMin
Board 5
Domestic Violence in Urban and Rural Romanian Communities
Ileana M. Prejbeanu, MD, MPH, PhD, Cornelia Rada, Psycho-soc, PhD, Mihail Pirlog, Sociologst, MPH, PhD student, Gheorghita Geana, Anthrop, PhD and Elena Dadulescu, MD, PhD
Board 6
Exploring the gap: How can policy change prevent sexual and domestic violence in a community?
Annie Lyles, MSW, Christine Chang, BA, Rachel Davis, MSW and Larry Cohen, MSW

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Family Violence Prevention Forum
Endorsed by: Public Health Nursing, Women's Caucus