3247.0 Strengthening Health Systems in Developing Settings

Monday, October 31, 2011: 12:30 PM
Health systems strengthening involves all organizations, people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health. This session touches on all aspects of health systems strengthening including a review of the WHO integrated disease surveillance and response system, an evaluation of the Advanced Life Support for Obstetrics program in Mexico and the impact of performance based financing in Haiti.

12:30 PM
Cervical Cancer Screening Program using HPV Subtyping See and Treat Cryotherapy in Milot, Haiti
Sally Greenwald, MD MPH STUDENT, Mark Pearlmutter, MD, Chair & VP Network Emergency Services Steward Medical Group, Laura Baecher-Lind, MD MPH, Joyce Sackey, MD, Dean of Global Health and Multicultural Affairs and Brian Schurko
12:48 PM
Evaluation of the Advanced Life Support for Obstetrics (“ALSO”) Program in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico
Paola Sesia, PhD, MPH, Marieke G. Van Dijk, MD, MA, Mónica Iliana García-Rojas, Md, MSc, Matthias Sachse-Aguilera, MD, Karla Berdichevsky, MD, MPH, Xipatl Contreras, BA, Jorge Valencia, MSc and Sandra Garcia, ScD, ScM
1:06 PM
Integrating Angola's Health Services: A Powerful Tool for PMTCT
Margarita Gurdian, Chief of Party, Jhony Juárez, MD, MPH, Isilda Neves, MD, MPH and Adelaide de Carvalho, MD, MPH
1:24 PM
Factors of success and challenges in the implementation of the integrated disease surveillance and response systems in Africa
Francis Kasolo, MD, MSc, PhD, DTM&H RCP, Helen Perry, PhD, Peter Gaturuku, MD, DPH, MSC, Zabulon Yoti, MD, DTM&H, MPH, Fernando da Silveira, MD, MPH, MSc CD Epidemiology, Sambe Duale, MD, MPH and Kevin Embrey, MPH
1:42 PM
Impact of Performance Based Financing in Haiti on Health Outcomes of Women and Children
Katherine Dilley, MPH, Uder Antoine, Bernateau Desmangles, Donald S. Shepard, PhD and Wu Zeng, MD, MPH

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: International Health

See more of: International Health