4284.0 Novel Methods, Priorities, or Challenges in Conducting Research with Homeless Populations

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: 2:30 PM
Session Objectives: Identify the challenges that arise in conducting large-scale, longitudinal studies with people experiencing homelessness. Describe young homeless adults use of social networking sites and frequency of use. Discuss provider perspectives on service needs for homeless individuals and families. Describe the benefits and challenges of student-faculty collaborative research.

2:45 PM
Homelessness in Baltimore: Understanding and mapping risk across neighborhoods
Mary Anne Alabanza-Akers, PhD, Jonathan B. VanGeest, PhD and Linda Loubert, PhD
3:00 PM
Challenges of and returns from large-scale, longitudinal studies with single homeless people
Anthony M. Warnes, BSc, PhD, AcLSS and Maureen Crane, RGN, MSc, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Caucus on Homelessness

See more of: Caucus on Homelessness