5002.0 Issues Related to the Design, Implementation, and Effectiveness of Services for Homeless Populations

Wednesday, November 2, 2011: 8:30 AM

Board 1
Role of a housing intervention in the management of a tuberculosis outbreak in a homeless shelter − Illinois, 2010
Claire Dobbins, MS, RN, Paul Kuehnert, MS, RN, Elaine Darnall, RN, BSN, CIC, Julia Howland, MPH, Grace Gichuru, RN MPH, Kate Marishta, MPH, Mari Pina, BSN, Arlene Ryndak, RN MPH and Michael Arbise, BS(MT)MS
Board 3
Understanding technology use in young adult homeless
David Pollio, PhD, Jeremiah Jaggers, MSW and Ashley Hudson, MSW
Board 5
Social Network Analysis and Digital Media Prevention Programming for Homeless Youth
Eric Rice, PhD, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, MA, MSW, PhD Student and Julie A. Cederbaum, PhD, MSW, MPH
Board 6
Strategies for obtaining probability samples of homeless youth
Daniela Golinelli, PhD, Joan S. Tucker, PhD, Gery Ryan, PhD and Suzanne L. Wenzel, PhD
Board 7
Longitudinal impact of housing on homeless adolescents mental health and substance use
Seth Kurzban, MSW, PhD, Eric Rice, PhD, Norweeta Milburn, PhD and Lei Duan, PhD
Board 8
Integrated management of an ongoing tuberculosis outbreak in a U.S. born homeless population in Indianapolis, IN
Eva Muloma, MD, Monica Heltz, RN, MPH, Juanita Brand, RN, EdD, MSN and Virginia A. Caine, MD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Caucus on Homelessness
Endorsed by: Socialist Caucus, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

See more of: Caucus on Homelessness