4258.0 Breastfeeding Poster Session

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: 2:30 PM

Board 2
Examining the use of lactational amenorrhea as a contraceptive strategy in Niger
Heather Sipsma, PhD, Elizabeth H. Bradley, PhD and Peggy Guey-Chi Chen, MD, MSc
Board 3
Attitudes toward breastfeeding among college-educated African-American women
Penny Liberatos, PhD and Sophia McIntyre-Daniel, MD, MPH
Board 5
Intent to breastfeed and successful breastfeeding in an inner city population: Does obesity matter?
Ramesh Matam, MD, Shilpa Hundalani, MD, Stefan Mandakovic, MD and Matilde Irigoyen, MD
Board 7
Evaluation of Breastfeeding Support Groups in Maricopa County: A Geospatial Analysis
Jennie Bever, PhD, IBCLC, Amanda L. Watkins, MS, RD, IBCLC, RLC and Joan E. Dodgson, RN MPH PhD
Board 9
Effects of music therapy-based listening interventions on the quantity and quality of breast milk produced by mothers using a breast pump
Douglas Keith, MT-BC, PhD, Barbara Weaver, RN and Robert Vogel, Professor of Biostatistics
Board 10
Breastfeeding-Friendly Healthcare (BFHC) Project: Assessing the Construct Validity of A Tool Measuring Breastfeeding-Friendliness in Hospitals
Nathan C. Nickel, MPH, Emily C. Taylor, MPH, CD(DONA), LCCE and Miriam Labbok, MD, MPH, FACPM, IBCLC, FABM

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Maternal and Child Health
Endorsed by: Breastfeeding Forum