4361.0 Mass Media Exposure and Health Behaviors (Organized by HCWG)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: 4:30 PM
This session will examine how mass media exposure can influence, and change, consumers’ health attitudes and behaviors.
Session Objectives: 1. Describe mass media coverage of health issues, behaviors, and attitudes 2. Explain how mass media exposure is related to individual and community health behaviors 3. Identify strategies for eliminating negative health effects resulting from mass media exposure
Anna M. Quinn, MPH Candidate

Board 1
Is what I watch related to what I do? Preliminary findings of exposure to X-rated movies and risky sexual behaviors
Adannaa Oparanozie, MPH, CHES, Nikia D. Braxton, MPH, CHES, Ralph J. DiClemente, PhD and Teaniese L. Davis, MPH
Board 2
Valiant Video Vixens: An Exploratory Examination of the Impact that Negative Portrayal of Women in Rap Videos Have on Black Males' Health
Nikia D. Braxton, MPH, CHES, Adannaa Oparanozie, MPH, CHES, Teaniese L. Davis, MPH and Ralph J. DiClemente, PhD
Board 3
Development of culturally appropriate public service announcements to promote Hands-Only CPR to Chinese immigrants
Mei-Po Yip, PhD, Rebecca Ip, BA, Ida Lam, BA, Hendrika Meischke, PhD, MPH, Devora Chavez, MIT, MPH, Brooke Ike, MPH, Shin-Ping Tu, MD MPH and Susan M. Allan, MD, JD, MPH
Board 9
Effects of Framing and Fear on Impact of Condom PSAs
Pamela K. Cupp, PhD, Rick S. Zimmerman, PhD, Melissa Harris, PhD, R. Lewis Donohew, PhD, Carla Gray, MA and A. Bailey Grossl, MS
Board 10
Who are you going to believe?
Adrienne Keller, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Public Health Education and Health Promotion