4017.0 Grants for the Benefit of Homeless Individuals- A Cross Site Evaluation

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: 8:30 AM
Session Objectives: Describe the background and purpose of SAMHSA's treatment for homeless, GBHI program. Describe the cros-site evaluation design and methodology. Describe the treatment and housing service strategies implemented by CSAT GBHI grantees.

8:30 AM
Strategic Collaborations among GBHI Grantees to Expand and Strengthen Treatment and Housing for Homeless Populations
Kristin Stainbrook, PhD, James Trudeau, PhD, Nahama Broner, PhD and Jeanine Hanna, PhD
8:50 AM
Costs of service provision for participants in a Grants to Benefit Homeless Individuals program: Approach and preliminary results
Alexander J. Cowell, PhD, Nahama Broner, PhD, Arnie Aldridge, MS and Carolina Barbosa, PhD

See individual abstracts for presenting author's disclosure statement and author's information.

Organized by: Caucus on Homelessness

CE Credits: Medical (CME), Health Education (CHES), Nursing (CNE), Public Health (CPH) , Masters Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES)

See more of: Caucus on Homelessness