Policy and Environmental changes to support active living and healthy eating among low income Mexican American communities
Belinda M. Reininger, DrPH1, Christine Arcari, PhD, MPH2, Kirk Smith, MD PhD2, Jennifer Gay, PhD3, Lisa Mitchell-Bennett, MA4, Jacquelyn Siller5, Martha Martinez, MSN RN CS6, Rosemary Welsh7 and Phylis Peters8
(1)School of Public Health, Brownsville, TX, (2)UTMB, Galveston, TX, (3)University of Georgia, Athens, GA, (4)University of Texas - Houston School of Public Health, Brownsville, TX, (5)Catholic Charities of CC, Corpus Christi, TX, (6)Mercy Ministries of Laredo, Laredo, TX, (7)Mercy Ministries, Laredo, TX, (8)Proyecto Juan Diego, Brownsville, TX
(1)School of Public Health, Brownsville, TX, (2)UTMB, Galveston, TX, (3)University of Georgia, Athens, GA, (4)University of Texas - Houston School of Public Health, Brownsville, TX, (5)Catholic Charities of CC, Corpus Christi, TX, (6)Mercy Ministries of Laredo, Laredo, TX, (7)Mercy Ministries, Laredo, TX, (8)Proyecto Juan Diego, Brownsville, TX