Mujer Sana, Familia Fuerte: A promotoras-led culturally competent and linguistically appropriate cervical cancer prevention project for Latina women in the United States

Vicky Cardoza, MPH1, A. Manuela McDonough, MPH, CPH1, Delia Pompa, MA1, Alejandra J. Gepp, MA1, Charlotte Kabore', MS, MPH, MCHES2, Britt Rios-Ellis, PhD, MS3, Selena T. Nguyen-Rodriguez, PhD, MPH4, Carmen Velasquez5 and Alicia Wilson6
(1)National Council of La Raza, Washington, DC, (2)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, (3)California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, (4)NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, (5)Alivio Medical Center, Chicago, IL, (6)La ClĂ­nica del Pueblo, Washington, DC