Promoting gender-equitable norms and FP among adolescents in post-conflict settings
Rebecka Lundgren, MPH1, Melissa Adams, MPH2, Susan Oregede, MA3, Brad Kerner, MPH4, Gwyn Hainsworth, MEd5 and Susan Igras, MPH6
(1)Georgetown University, Washington, DC, (2)Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, (3)Pathfinder International, Kampala, Uganda, (4)Save the Children, Westport, CT, (5)Pathfinder International, Watertown, MA, (6)Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, DC
(1)Georgetown University, Washington, DC, (2)Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, (3)Pathfinder International, Kampala, Uganda, (4)Save the Children, Westport, CT, (5)Pathfinder International, Watertown, MA, (6)Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, DC